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Dont feel ajarred, it's just Jar Jar.

Theesa picture of Jar Jar looks like Jar Jar has ajarred a jar in order to pop out of it. now meesa know that last sentence was filled with a bunch of jar jargon, but let meesa clear it up now. despite what yousa may think, theesa picture IS in fact jarringly 3D. Go ahead, make that draw of randomness ajar, reach inside past the notepads, past the pens, past the Jar Jar themed jar and grab that pair of vintage 3D glasses and look through them to see a jarringly amazing 3D photo of the Gungan disappointment himself, Jar Jar Binks. Now meesa know, meesa know, how and why would meesa create such a mui mui picture of the bombad Jar Jar heesa self. Well, back when weesa were working on the mark making project, meesa got the idea to do a project involving Jar Jar, but meesa didnt know what to include heesa in. Once weesa started our 3D prjects, meesa figured theesa was the perfect time to present Jar Jar. Meesa thought this because i knew making heesa tongue pop out was going to be mui good. as for how meesa actually accomplished making theesa picture pop out was actually mui mui simple. the first step meesa did was create 2 copy layers for the hand, the head and tongue, and then the ears. Meesa made the 2 additional copies for EACH of the things listed before. theesa was was the mui mui MUI important step so that meesa could create a cyan and a red layer of each of the parts. i did this by using the channels option in order to make it have the cyan and red color. in order to make cyan, i tuned the red level all the way down, and to make red, meesa turned the green and blue channels all the way down. afte theesa step, i moved the red layers to the left a certain number of spaces, and the cyan right. For the arms, meesa moved the coloured layers 14 in either direction, the face and tongue i moved 7, and the ears i moved 4. since meesa moved them a different number of spaces apart each time, the ones with a greater distance popped out more. theesa step took the longest as it took meesa quite a while to come up with the proper distance for each body part. overall theesa was a very simple and straightforward project that meesa enjoyed mui much. meesa hope you enjoyed reading theesa as well as looking at theesa jarring picture of Jar Jar. Selongabye!

By the way Ms. Turner, messa hope that meesa writing like theesa was okeeday and meesa in no trouble over theesa. Theesa the link to help yousa understand what meesa saying:

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